Legal Notice
You are currently connected to the funtanaalora.fr website. The user having access to this site agrees to comply with these terms of use.
Information editor and host:
Site edited by Funtana a l’ora
Head office: RTE D’EVISA PORTO 20150 OTA
SIRET: 883 942 930 00016
+33 (0)6 18 81 17 13
Hosted on the servers of OVH: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Copyrights :
Everything contained on the website Funtanaalora.fr is protected by copyright. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, for other purposes on any medium whatsoever is prohibited without the express prior authorization of Funtanaalora and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of Articles L 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. Funtanaalora does not give any guarantee on the elements present on this site, which are provided as is, and does not assume any responsibility. Funtanaalora is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on this site. Likewise, Funtanaalora has no control over the hyperlinks, which are provided solely for reference purposes, and therefore declines any responsibility for their content.
The user agrees not to use this website for purposes prohibited by law or not authorized by the legal notice
Content protection:
The contents of the siteFuntanaalora.fr can not be the subject of any reproduction under penalty of a conviction under the counterfeiting, parasitism and unfair competition.
Brands & Logos :
The trademarks or logos appearing on this site are the property of Funtanaalora or are operated under license, they can not be used without the prior written consent of the owner of the brand or logo under penalty of infringement.
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☎ Call us ☎
8am-10pm : 04 95 26 11 65
9am-7pm : +336 18 81 17 13
9am-7pm : 06 18 81 17 13
9am-7pm : +336 18 81 17 13
24h/24h : 06 19 10 18 96
Write to us ✎
We will get back to you as quickly as possible everyday of the week except on Friday.
E-mail: funtana.contact@gmail.com
Funtana a l’ora ➤
Il campo – Route d’Evisa
20150 PORTO – OTA
France – Corse
E-mail: funtana.contact@gmail.com
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